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Molecular Expression artwork

That gallant adventurer, Blackfive, recently posted some links to absolutely lovely microscopic photos of his favorite drinks.

I personally enjoyed the Tequila..

These scans come from a website called Molecular Expressions. The site includes a Microscopy primer, a marvelous teaching aid entitled "Science, Optics & You," and of course pictures of teeny tiny things, some of them measuring only microns across.

What I thought was really cool was the information that chip designers like to draw pictures on their chips!! These guys obviously have too much time on their hands.

Still, I enjoyed:
The California license plate,
this Cincinnati Bearcats logo,
a Coat of Arms on a Hewlett-Packard chip,
a lovely Osprey,
the RoadRunner (meep! meep!),
and finally, one of my favorites,
Tux the Linux Penguin.

How cool is that? This is a great website to get the kids interested in science.

Highly recommended.


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» Molecular Expression artwork (Casey) from Dean's World
I wasn't going to use this since I had already blogged about it a couple months ago here, but going over the photos again, I... [Read More]


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